Monthly Archives: June 2019

No news is good news

Never quite knew which way to take that phrase. There’s no such thing as good news? Or, if there is no news, it must be good? The difference is significant.

There is no news about Casper. He remains well, and strong, and increasingly noisy. The dabrafenib does what it does. You still worry, constantly, and post traumatic stress disorder lurks around every corner – it’s approaching a year since diagnosis, and tomorrow morning we go abroad on holiday: last time we did that he spent three days and nights in a French hospital and was diagnosed with cancer a week after we got back. Every temperature, every blemish, every abnormal poo sets off alarm bells.

I promised that I’d keep posting here about treatment still going well as often as possible, just in case anyone in the place we were in 11 months ago finds this blog and needs good news and a longer-term perspective. Even when there’s nothing to say. Let’s take the latter interpretation. No news is good news.

Someone’s just reached out to Em on social media about their baby just starting chemo for Langerhan’s, so this post is for them. We’re a year in, and things are OK. We know what you’re going through. You’re not on your own, and you will get through it. Ask for help when you need or want it. Only work with the facts as given to you by your medical team (no dr google). Take each day as it comes and do whatever is necessary. The worst bit is probably when the whirlwind ends and the dust settles, and the emotional scars and fallout begin to manifest. You can do this.